A place to find Hope

Category: how do we fight back? (Page 1 of 2)

We seem to be Facing daily Afflictions. We Often Ask God, “Why me?’

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Still struggling with pain. It is hard to face the day when you know pain is around. My right hip is not responding to meds. I have been referred to a PT specialist, and I hope he can do something for me.


How can we overcome the afflictions of life? We often ask God, “Why me?” It is not easy to explain, but I have thoughts on how I handle it:

  1. Take every day one day at a time. I know this is an old thought, but it works for me.
  2. Never let the darkside try to blame it on God. God loves us, and knows what we are going through.
  3. Read the Bible! It is full of love, and compassion.
  4. Help others that are the same boat with you. You helping others soothes the soul and brings a smile to others faces.


Stay strong and rely on the Lord to protect you. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is the Devils Favorite Question to Ask?

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“How much will you lose if you follow Jesus?” That’s the devil’s favorite question; he has successfully used it more than any other to lead billions to hell.

The Bible clearly warns that there will be loss in following Jesus. However, it also teaches that there are compensating gains. So, in addition to counting the cost, we must also count the profit. Yes, there are expenses, but there’s also income.


What is faith?

What do we mean when we talk about faith? We use the word a lot, but it’s a concept that many of us have found hard to grasp. Hebrews 11:1 defines it well: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

What this tells us is that faith is based on content. It isn’t just about vague feelings. Nor is it a question of how much faith you have. It’s about what you are trusting in and how that is reflected by your actions—by the movement of your feet. Faith is acting like God is telling the truth. It’s acting like it is so even when it’s not so in order that it might be so simply because God said so.

Faith is substantial, but faith deals with what you cannot yet see. If you put seeing before faith then it isn’t really faith at all. Faith is anticipating what you are looking forward to. Faith is about expectation, and the biblical word for that is hope. When you and I learn to expect big things from God and move in sync with Him through obedience (which is the essence of faith), then we will see more of God in our everyday circumstances. We will have more hope.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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4 Ways to Face Days in a Not so Friendly World.

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There have been many things that are happening that are pulling us all down like a huge magnate. Inflation, war in Ukraine, high crime rates, our southern border, gas prices. All this seems to be on the shoulders of our current president.


In reality it is something that probably would have happened no matter who the president is. Of course some of the things can be avoided, and I wish the president could see that.


Still struggling with arthritis in my right hip. I am taking Tylenol Arthritis pills t but there is still some pain there. I will see a specialist, soon to see if there is something they can do that isn’t surgery. I am told that I am too old for any kind of surgery.


How is your day going. Do you often wish you could just stay in bed all day? I certainly have been there.

Life is not a beautiful rose garden. There are too many thorns that can hurt us.

Lost relationships, overpowering bills to pay, lost job, depression. What can we do to overcome all of this:

  1. One day at a time.
  2. Face the storms, and you will become stronger.
  3. Never, ever, give up!
  4. Pray to God for His help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face the Day During Your Storms.

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I had a wonderful time at my weekly coffee gathering today. There was a WWII Veteran there who is 98 years old. I had already interviewed him for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

The interview is full of near death experiences, and the freeing of two concentration camps. One was full of Jews, and the other English soldiers.

It is a fantastic interview that is a must read when the book comes out.

I will keep you posted here as to the progress of the book. You can also go to www.dougbolton.com. That is now just a military site that has up to date military news, and side stories.


I have been having pity parties lately. My health is not all that good. I am struggling with weak legs, arthritis in my hip, and total lack of energy.

How do I face each day?

  1. I thank God for the day. He is the one that gives me my air in my lungs every day.
  2. I realize that getting old isn’t for sissies, and face my storms head on.
  3. I read the Bible. All the comfort I need is found there.
  4. I do not worry about tomorrow. Jesus says, tomorrow has enough worries on its own.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Thoughts to Grow on, and Learn New Ways to Survive.

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I received good comments when I listed my thoughts to you. I am going to do it again today.


  1. Satan likes to nip away at us until we are beaten.
  2. Am I satisfied in my relationship with God?
  3. Everyone has an assignment from God.
  4. We need to make our faith white hot.
  5. Find someone you are comfortable to share with.
  6. Forgiveness is so unnatural for people.
  7. We live by the rules of God if we have integrity.
  8. Do we act one way all week and then change on Sundays?
  9. Walk away from those who try to change your values.
  10. Faith leads to action without fear.
  11. Are there any sins I don’t want to turn over to God?
  12. God uses adversity to develop us.
  13. What idols do I have in life that taking me away from God?
  14. We receive so many words of fear in the age we live in.
  15. Obey God even when you don’t know why.


Use these thoughts to learn and grow.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have to Face Surprises. How We do it is what is Interesting.

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It actually snowed this morning in the middle of April here in Salem, Oregon! You never know…

Have you had surprises like snow in April? Has your world been moving too fast because of the surprises?

Things that happen could be you wrecked you car. You owe a lot to the IRS. A relationship has fallen apart. You lost you job.

There can be many more things that happen, so how do we handle all of this?

  1. All storms end.
  2. Tomorrow is a new day.
  3. Facing live with a positive attitude can overcome anything.
  4. Lean on God for comfort. He is in the Bible to comfort you.


I know..it is hard sometimes to accept what is happening, but we have to be strong, and not let the darkside overcome us. Satan would love for us to fall apart.

Lean on the strength of God, and face the storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never every give up!


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Always Get a Second Opinion on Important Matters

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I had an appointment with a surgeon on Friday. We were going to discuss having surgery on a hernia I have. His take on it was that he doesn’t want to do the surgery because of my age, and medical issues.

He is having me get a device that I will have to wear for the rest of my life that will push the hernia back into place.

I was not happy with his decision and will ask for a second opinion.


Have you been told you can’t do something? Did it seem wrong for them to say that?

Never accept someone’s thoughts on what you can and can not do. Check with other people who may know more about what you are going through. Get you own second opinion.


I will start sharing excerpts from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, on Friday. Come back and check it out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Threat of War Has us Under Great Stress.

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We are on our way to the Oregon Coast. Not a cloud in the sky, but very, very, cold. It got down to 21 degrees last night.


I am bummed out. It looks like there is going to be a war in Europe and Ukraine. There is no reason for it to happen except for greed and power. We all need to pray for the area.

Have you had a lot of stress lately? Has the threat of war, the pandemic, inflation, a divided country, wore you down and made you weary?

You certainly are not alone! There are many of us in the same boat with you.


I may be repeating myself, but here is how I face the storms of life:

  1. Each day is a new day. Yesterday is going and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Just take care of today.
  2. There are some things we can’t control.
  3. There are people from the dark side that are trying to under mind our country. Ignore them! You and I know what is right.
  4. Bottom line...GOD IS IN CHARGE! He knows all the mess we are facing. He knows we are stressed. He still wants what is best for His people.
  5. Pray for His love and protection. Give all your stress to Him.


As you can see there is no excerpt today. I have been at the Oregon Coast today, and couldn’t add one, but come back on Friday and there will be one. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have Nothing At All to Fear, But Fear Itself

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You have heard of lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Well, what about threat of war, pandemic, and gouging prices increases, Oh My! I may want to choose the first choice.

This may not be a fun time to be alive in this world. So many things to cause fear. Fear is our worst enemy right now.


So what in the world can we do?

  1. Do not worry about tomorrow. Today has enough worries to handle.
  2. Worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed.
  3. Know that God is always there by your side to help you through the storms of life.
  4. Be strong for others and it will rub off on you.
  5. God will never you put you into anything you can not handle. That is Satan’s job.


Are you overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown? Does each day seem to be too much for you?


That is the shortest verse in the Bible. It also is the strongest in my opinion. Never give in the the dark side of Satan. He would love you put you up on his wall as a trophy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Everything That Can go Wrong Probably Will

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I had four days of exercise last week. At my age you would think that I was almost dead. 🙂 However, I now feel stronger, and will be doing four more days of exercise this week. We will see what happens.


I am sharing another excerpt from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.


Chapter 2

Everything that Can Go Wrong Probably Will

I sought the Lord, and he answered me;

 he delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

Murphy must have been a sad soul. We all live by the laws he created for us. It seems that we blame everything that goes wrong on Murphy’s Law.

You’ve had those days. You get up in the morning and start out happy as a clam. (Not sure how happy that is.) You have some errands to do, and you begin to do them.

You run out of gas, or you have a flat tire. You forgot your grocery list. The item you thought was on sale wasn’t. There is an accident on the freeway, and you are stuck for hours.

Ever had those kinds of days? Let me tell you about mine! I had volunteered to help my son Greg out when he vacationed in Disneyland with my granddaughter Molly. I told him I would pick up his mail every day, put the garbage cans back on Tuesday, and feed Charlie the cat all week.

Everything went well Sunday through Tuesday. But on Wednesday, the worst thing happened. I lost the door key. I had it in my summer shorts when I went to shower. I took off the shorts, showered, and then put on a clean pair of shorts. I left the house and headed over to my son’s house.

Charlie was waiting for me, and already had started his purring sound to let me know he was glad to see me. I got the mail, walked up to the door and reached into my pocket to get the key. It wasn’t there. Charlie was looking up at me looking like, “Why are you taking so long to open the door?”

“Sorry Charlie,” I muttered, sounding like a tuna commercial. “I have to go back home and get the key.” He wasn’t very happy with me as I walked to my car. I felt badly.

I got home and looked everywhere for the key. It was nowhere in sight. I even dumped out the hamper where the dirty clothes were. Zilch! Notta! Ouch!

I remembered that we had a bunch of extra keys in the desk drawer that had no names on them. I dug all of them out and drove back to my son’s house. You guessed it: None of them worked!

I was desperate by this time. I thought that I might have to call a locksmith, or call my son and have him Fed Ex his keys to me.

I prayed for help from God and immediately thought of calling my wife Charlotte to see if she had any ideas. (This was my close encounter with God.) I probably sounded shook up when she answered the phone—maybe because my only words were, “Now what do I do?”

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’ve lost the key to the house, and the cat food is on the inside.”

Without hesitating, she suggested, “Go to the grocery store and buy another bag of cat food and feed Charlie outside. He’s an outside cat anyway. Greg can make a new key when he gets home.”

Charlie was really mad at me when I left the second time without feeding him. I returned with a tasty tuna and salmon meal (yum). He gobbled it up and was purring again when I left.

Of course, going to the grocery store was the obvious choice. (You realize, of course, that I actually knew it all along. I was just testing Charlotte.) The important thing was that the answer came after I had prayed for help. Charlotte was the messenger, but God answered the prayer.

God can answer prayers in many ways. It can be directly, or it can be through someone else. Charlotte was my answer to prayer. She knew the easy solution I needed, but I wasn’t able to think of.

Do you call on God to help you when you have a problem, or do you panic like I did? (God has a speed dial you know.) At least, I knew I couldn’t do it on my own and turned to God for help. The calming feeling that came as soon as I finished praying was very reassuring.

It was in God’s hands, and I knew something good would happen. Charlie got fed, and I have a whole bag of cat food for future lockouts.

Don’t let obstacles stop you. Turn your problems over to God. Let Him figure out a solution. It may not come as fast as mine did, but He will work it out the way He knows is best for you.

Since I am on the subject of prayer, please don’t just call on God when there is a problem. Talk to God every day. He loves to hear from you.

I know it is hard to pray when you are at work. It is hard to pray while you are driving. But you know what? When you are driving might be the best time to pray. It is when you are likely to be tense and need a calming spirit. A guy is blowing his horn behind you. Pray seeking patience because you do not know what is going on in this man’s life. He may want to get home because his wife called and is ready to have their first baby. Wouldn’t you be honking?

Prayer should be done without ceasing. Pray each and every day. Use it to praise God. Use it to thank Him for your good health. Use it to pray for peace. Whatever is on your mind, God wants to hear from you. It should be like He is sitting in the room with you. Carry on a conversation with Him.

Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything, by prayer and petition,

with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,

will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6–7

Further Adventures

Have you gone along in life thinking that everything is fine, only to have a day that makes you realize that the world is not always a rose garden? First of all, remember that we can’t look at everything through rose-colored glasses.

Second, when a bad day comes knocking at your door like it was your long-lost relative, make sure it understands that it can only stay for that day. Then boot it out at the end of the day by giving it over to God in prayer. You should never let your bad days stay longer than they should.

Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that we always have a direct line to God, but we sometimes think the connection is dead?


I will be sharing more excerpts in the future so keep coming back. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.


Does it seem like the storms are coming too often? Would you rather stay in bed all day?


God is with you 24/7. He will never forsake you. Lean on Him as your fortress. Never give in to the darkside.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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