A place to find Hope

Category: juggling life

Jesus Said, “Blessed are those who Mourn, They Will be Comforted.

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Despair is not the end of the story in our lives. It is simply the occasion when our spiritual senses are awakened to behold new, life-giving dimensions of God’s presence. In Jesus’s words, “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.”

That seems hard to believe! You are comforted when you mourn?

Life is fragile and all too brief. According to the Psalmist, our lifetimes are a “mere breath.” We may perhaps live into our seventies or eighties “by reason of strength,” but our experience is generally full of “toil and trouble” (Ps. 39:5Ps. 90:10). Sometimes life leaves you weeping in the dark.

Then I imagined God saying: Keep pedaling, son, despite your fears. I know all the bumps in the road, and, although you falter and even wipe out, my grace encircles you to the end.


We have all faced times that we had to mourn. It is not a pleasant time.

The above message is telling us that God is saying “Keep pedaling.” Keep on keeping on.

God is with you 24/7. Even when we mourn. Pray to Him for strength through the tough times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Do You Seem to be Juggling Your Hectic Life?

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We all have faced hectic times. Everything seems to be pulling us down like a huge magnet. How can we avoid this?

  1. Live differently. We spend too much time trying to mold into what everyone else is doing. It is called the rat race.
  2. Recognize your status as a Christian in the world.
    • Abstain from powerful passions.
    • Display God’s glory by the way you live.
  3. We need to live like an alien on this earth. This is not our home.
  4. Live submissively.
  5. Live feely.

Followers of God see freedom, not as an opportunity to do as we please, but to serve as God wills.

Ask God for wisdom as to how to choose the right thing to do.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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