A place to find Hope

Category: find freedom

Remodeling Can be disruptive to your life.

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Where’s the milk? Out in the garage. Where’s the jam? Out in the garage. Where is the refrigerator? Out in the garage. The stove, and the dishwasher are out there too.

Yes, we are doing a major remodeling of our kitchen. They have torn up the old floor, and today they are starting to put in the new flooring. Then the den will get a remodel! So the TV will be gone, and all the furniture as well. The end product will be beautiful in the end.


Have you had your life disrupted by remolding? Are you trying to make you life better, but have had to move many things from your past to the garage?

It is very difficult to do, I agree, but in the end everything will be beautiful.

We all have time when things need to be changed. A divorce. A lost job. Too many bills. The list goes on and on.

Time to remodel your life. Put in new hope. Put in new freedoms. Pay off those bills. Regroup and remodel after that divorce.

It is very hard work, but the end results is a new you and happiness.


AND remember God is there with you. He knows your hardships. He knows your needs. Talk to Him about it and he will make your paths easier.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is Freedom, and How do we Find it?

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I have been missing for almost two weeks. On July 3rd, I came with the COVID virus. It was tough for three days and then I started doing better. Then on July 12th my family left for Hawaii. It was very hard for me, because I had to use a walker, and some of the walks were pretty hard on me.


Freedom is something we all want to have, but what is freedom?

Dictionary.com says:

  1. The state of being free, or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
  2. Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

It is clear that we want all of that.

Do you feel like you have full freedom? We won’t have true freedom until we let God guide us on our paths.

We all have the power to do what we ought to through God.

Something that is difficult to understand for some is that the Holy Spirit is inside you once you accept the Lord. With the Holy Spirit in us, we can fight off the darkside. God’s love shines when all else fails.

We need to know that sometimes God allows pain and suffering in us. He doesn’t cause it, He allows it and Helps us through it.

Think of each of us as wine. In the crushing and pressing we are made into new wine.


Never let Satan overcome you. Let the Holy Spirit guide you through the storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The War in Ukraine Opened Our Eyes to How Thankful We’re Americans

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It is not Veteran’s Day, but with the war going on in Ukraine I would like to share this with you:

Freedom is not Free

  1. It’s the veteran not the journalist who gave us freedom of the press.
  2. It’s the veteran not the poet who gave us freedom of speech.
  3. It’s the veteran not the campus organizer who gave us freedom the demonstrate.
  4. Veterans are those who salute the flag.
  5. Veterans are those who serve beneath the flag.
  6. Veterans are those who have coffins draped with the flag.


Yes, Ukraine is thousands of miles away, but when I see that Putin has bombed hospitals, especially a children’s hospital and a maternity hospital, I honor those soldiers there who are fighting back, and they will not give up.

We need to pray without ceasing for them.


How is your world turning? Do you want to stop it and get off? Has all the turmoil around you caught up with you?

There are many of us in the same boat.


We must never forget, and I repeat this a lot, GOD IS IN CHARGE!

He knows what is going on, and a I assure you He is not happy at all with Putin. But because He is such a loving God He allows people to make decisions that can horrific.

We need to cling to His promises, and cling to hope. He is watching over you and I.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all...never, ever, give up!


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If You Want Freedom, You Need the Truth From God

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It takes a lot of work to get where you are going. So many walls to climb over, but when you do, you are close to freedom. Knowing the truth also leads you to freedom.

Freedom is not doing whatever you want. You can’t choose to rob a bank, steal a car, kill someone. freedom is doing what we ought to be doing. Reaching out to others. Helping someone who is struggling. Being a good friend.

Sin is our main struggle. To find freedom, get rid of sin. Turn to the truth.

So what is truth?

God is the truth, and the truth will set you free.

It will also set you free from eternal death. Freedom comes from the supreme sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross.

Never try to get freedom in this world without the Lord.

If you are struggling with if you are free. Read the Bible it is full of hope, and shows ways to have true freedom.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Temptation isn’t a Sin, It’s an Opportunity to do Right

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I was reading in the Bible about the temptatons that Jesus faced with Satan. It was for forty days and nights. I can’t imagine that!

Jesus was hit by the Trifect: alone, tired and hungry.

Satan is the most prolific liar ever. Replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

Jesus has taken care of all of our sins in one moment. The moment He died on the cross.

Jesus succeeds where we fail, but on our own we will fail where Jesus has already succeeded.

As we wait for the return of Jesus, Satan can have minor victories in our lives, but he will not have the ultimante victory.

Remember: Our soul needs fuel. You can either learn from the Word, or from the world.


Never let Satan put you up on his wall like a trophy. Fight the darkside with all your heart and pray for God’s help to do it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Time for Prayer Warriors to Pray Without Ceasing

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It is time for prayer warriors to step up to the plate and hit a home run.

We can’t let the world control us. That is exactly what has been happening in the last few months. The government is dictating to us as to what we should do. That is called Socialism.

It has me boiling. I am not one to complain too much, but my rights are disappearing.

We need to stand and be recognized. Many feel the same way, but they just go with the flow hoping things will somehow get better.

We need to be strong and pray to God for help. He knows what is going on, and He wants His children to cry out to Him. He does answer prayer so we need to send our petitions to him and seek help.


How are you dealing with the situation in our world? Does everything seem fine to you, or can you see the darkness coming. Come towards the light of Jesus, and leave the darkness.

As a group if we all send fervent prayers, God will listen and answer our prayers.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If We Love Everyone it Will be Returned

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Well, this old man is having issues again. My blood pressure is dropped big time. 105-59 is pretty low. Any time my blood pressure drops below 110, I seem to be in trouble. I see my cardiologist this afternoon.

Well you come to my pity party??? 🙂


What do you binge on?

  1. Eating?
  2. Chocolate?
  3. Shopping?
  4. Fishing?
  5. Netflix?

My binge is ice cream. I have never seen a flavor I didn’t like.

Binging can certainly cause problems and yes, we need to control them. You first. 🙂


Things I have learned this last week:

  1. You don’t have justice if you don’t have truth. This is sooo happening in our world today.
  2. The first order of love is that they are human beings. So many treat others like they aren’t worth of love.
  3. If you love someone tell them often.
  4. Be kind to everyone and it will be returned.
  5. Never turn your back on someone in need.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How Do We Find Freedom in This Not so friendly World?

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There are many things that take away our freedoms:



losses of family



+There are many more than this but I think you get the message.


A simplistic, quick answer would be God.

He will soothe your pain. He will be there for you when you are discouraged. He will cry with you when you lose a loved one. He shows you that failure is a door opening for something else.

Most of all, He will forgive your sins.


What do we say to God to get His help?

Pray for personal guidence. Ask for His love to see you through your storms. Pray for personal protection.

The sin part is a little harder. We know when we have wronged. We know we have failed God.

This begs the question…Am I too much of a sinner to be forgiven by God? We are tempted everyday to sin. Satan loves to cause havoc in our lives. He is tempting you 24/7.

There is a beautiful verse in I Corinthians 10:13. that gives you peace and comfort.

” No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide a way of escape so that you will endure it.”

So soothing for me, and I hope it is for you as well.


We know God will always forgive us if we ask Him.

Here is an assignment for you to think about:

How do I Make God’s thoughts my thoughts?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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