A place to find Hope

Category: old age

The Hamas Attacked Israel and Killed 900 people Including 9 Americans.

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I was very upset when I saw that the Hamas attacked Israel. They killed over 900 people including 9 Americans. What a horrible mistake. Israel has declared war with them and will not stop until the Hamas are eliminated.

People are thinking Iran supported this attack. If so they are also in trouble.


This is not uncommon. There are wars or rumors of wars all over our world. This world is full of dictators who want to take over the world. We will all need to pray that the good guys win.


I am an old retired soldier that would go help any country if they allowed me to do that. My age is just too old for that to happen.


How are you doing? Are you days full of darkness? Do you worry about tomorrow? Let me share something that may help you:”

  1. Walk away from the darkness into God’s light.
  2. Tomorrow has enough problems on its own. Just live for today.
  3. Read the Bible everyday. It is full of hope.
  4. God is always there for you. Lean on Him through prayer, to give you peace.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There is Lots of Pain and Suffering in Our lives.

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This old guy is really suffering with pain right now. That is why my posting is not consistent. I have arthritis in my right hip area, and the pain is increasing everyday.

I can hardly walk, and the pain is really bad when I try.

Going to see my doctor tomorrow morning to see what we can do.


Have you had struggles with you health lately? Have your days been filled with pain? I certainly can relate to that!

What can we do to overcome the pain and agony?

This is not an easy question to answer. Of course going to a doctor would be an obvious choice, But what if they say it will take several weeks to do the procedure?

The pain will be knocking at your door and won’t leave.


My only advice to turn all your pain over to God. He knows what you are going through He Knows your pain. “Talk” to Him asking Him to relieve your pain. Lean on Him for comfort and peace.

Above all…never, ever, give up!



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Format Change Coming for This Signs of Hope Blog

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I have come to the decision that I am going to change the format of my blog. It may be slow and steady, or a may do a complete change with one post. Come back Monday and check what I am doing.

Today will be the last one of the format I have been using for 13 years.


I have some quick thoughts on God:

  1. God has no future. He’s already there.
  2. God has no potential. He’s almighty.
  3. God has no surprises. He knows everything.


Have you ever wondered if God loves you? It sometimes seems like He has a muffler on His ears.

The truth is that God has His timing, and we have ours. We want everything yesterday not next week. God knows no time. He is eternal. He will answer your prayers in His time.

It also may not be the answer that you want, because God knows what is best for you even though it may not fit what you was thinking. Realize that what He comes up with is the path you need take.


I want to apologize for not posting as often as I should on this blog. I have been diagnosed with arthritis in my hips, and it is very difficult to sit for very long while I am doing my posts.

I will do my very best to continue sending you Signs of Hope.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face the Day During Your Storms.

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I had a wonderful time at my weekly coffee gathering today. There was a WWII Veteran there who is 98 years old. I had already interviewed him for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

The interview is full of near death experiences, and the freeing of two concentration camps. One was full of Jews, and the other English soldiers.

It is a fantastic interview that is a must read when the book comes out.

I will keep you posted here as to the progress of the book. You can also go to www.dougbolton.com. That is now just a military site that has up to date military news, and side stories.


I have been having pity parties lately. My health is not all that good. I am struggling with weak legs, arthritis in my hip, and total lack of energy.

How do I face each day?

  1. I thank God for the day. He is the one that gives me my air in my lungs every day.
  2. I realize that getting old isn’t for sissies, and face my storms head on.
  3. I read the Bible. All the comfort I need is found there.
  4. I do not worry about tomorrow. Jesus says, tomorrow has enough worries on its own.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Let Age Stop You From Reaching Your Dreams

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Being an author has been a thrill for me. My first book received a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.

I am now working on my second book called, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. It is almost finished and will come out by Christmas.


Sounds peachy keen right? Well, I have found that it is hard work and stressful. Not that I don’t enjoy writing. I love it, but there are other things I have to do like sell the book. I have been self publishing, which means it is all up to me to the marketing, promotions, signings, etc.

I am 83 years old and now am wondering if I have the stamina to go on with the big push for my second book.


Here is my feelings on that:

  1. Your never too old to start something.
  2. Use your age to be a expert on things people want to know about.
  3. Take time to do what ever project you are working on. Rushing has been bad news for me.
  4. Enjoy what you are doing. Don’t do it thinking you have to do it.


The most important thing to remember is that God is with you. He knows about your dreams. He knows what you are capable of. He will guide you down your path, or He will stop you if He thinks it is too much for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If Pain and Suffering Comes Knocking at Your Door, Turn to God.

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I tore a muscle in my chest. My doctor said that because of my age, it will take much longer to heal. Lovely!

I am living with the pain, and taking Tylenol. It seems to help a little.


Have you had sudden things happen to you caused you physical and mental pain?

There are many of us like that.

I have some thoughts on how to face the world with this happening to us:

  1. Pain only last for a while, and then it is gone.
  2. Suffering is a part of a Christians life. I am not saying we should suffer as a Christian, but God knows we are suffering and He is writing it down in our book.
  3. Use your pain to help others who are suffering. Helping others helps you with your pain.


The situation in Ukraine is pulling me down like a huge magnate. If I was able, I would be going there to help the people fight.

Many civilians are dying from direct bombing of their homes. This is not an accident. Many are Christians or Jews. Sounds like WWII all over again. Putin has been called the new Hitler and rightfully so.

Please pray daily for peace and protection for all the suffering Ukrainians.

We also need to pray for our own country. We are at a pivotal spot. New decisions by the supreme court can change our country.


If you are battling depression and anxiety from everything that is happening, be strong in knowing God is with you if you are a Christian. He knows your situation. He knows your pains. Pray for His promises, and love.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Hard to Have Pain and No Way to Stop It.

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I have been battling sadness the last few weeks. I have gotten a report that I have a hernia, and the surgeon I met said he won’t do it because of my age and medical condition.

I am seeking a second opinion to see if I can still have the surgery. However, I am feeling very bad that I have to live with the pain, and stop some exercising I was doing.

The doctor prescribed a device for me to wear the rest of my life, that is suppose to “push,” the hernia back into it place. I do not want to wear a device the rest of my life.


Have you struggled with you health like I am doing now? I completely understand the boat you are in. I am on it with you.

I am working hard to be positive throughout all of this. Here are some things I have been leaning on to help me with that:

  1. I need to be thankful that it is only hernia, and try to stop the pity parties. That doesn’t go well with my children.
  2. I need to know that God will provide the answer to all of this.
  3. I need to pray often, and without ceasing for strength.
  4. I need to still go on walks to keep some semblance of strength.


Why don’t you make your own list of ways to plow through your walls you are facing? It made me feel good by doing these for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Always Get a Second Opinion on Important Matters

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I had an appointment with a surgeon on Friday. We were going to discuss having surgery on a hernia I have. His take on it was that he doesn’t want to do the surgery because of my age, and medical issues.

He is having me get a device that I will have to wear for the rest of my life that will push the hernia back into place.

I was not happy with his decision and will ask for a second opinion.


Have you been told you can’t do something? Did it seem wrong for them to say that?

Never accept someone’s thoughts on what you can and can not do. Check with other people who may know more about what you are going through. Get you own second opinion.


I will start sharing excerpts from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, on Friday. Come back and check it out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Old Age Ain’t For Sissies.

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Today, I am going to talk about aging. I am an expert! (80 something)

It is so hard once we reach the “golden,” years. Things slow down. Not just in the world, but in your body.

I try to walk as much as I can, but things aren’t going in my direction.

Yesterday, I decided to go on a short walk on my own street, which is a Cul-de-Sac. I did the first trip around, and headed for my second. I got about half way and suddenly realized I had rubbery legs for some reason.

It got worse quickly. I started wavering like a drunken sailor. I was afraid I was going to fall. I struggled big time to finish.

I made it back into the house and crashed at my desk. It took me a long time to recuperate.

What was going on?

I was getting older, and the tent I am living in was getting leaks!

This frightened me big time. Do I need to make funeral preparations?


I just need to accept that I can only do what I can do. I shouldn’t try to stretch my abilities beyond what I can do.

I am not going to stop walking, but I will start out at a shorter distance and work my way up to longer walks.


Do you have this same problem? Is age creeping up on you, and you are really feeling it? You certainly are not alone. The majority of humans on this earth are getting up in years.

I have been thinking hard laterly. (It is giving me a headache.)

Why am I fighting old age? I should embrace the days God is giving me.

I saw a great acronym the other day. Instead of TGIF, It should be TGIT Thank God it’s today. We need to thank God for every day He is giving us, and not worry about how things seem to be getting very tough for us to do.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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