A place to find Hope

Category: lean on God (Page 1 of 19)

Life is Livable With God There With You

Below is a post I sent out in January. An update will be below it.

It has been a long haul. I have been in the hospital of six days. During the fourth day I had a near death experience. There was a nurse checking my vitals, and she left me in the middle. What I saw was she was watching the main monitors, especially my blood pressure. She left quickly, and came back with several doctors, and nurses.

It seems that my blood pressure was crashing. It went from a good 122/60 to 80/40. If it continued I would die. They kept watching it, and eventually it started coming back up. I wasn’t told what happening.

After six days in the hospital, I was sent to a rehab facility. I was there for 30 days, and finally came home.

I am slowly progressing. Being able to do this post is an example. I couldn’t have done this before, because I couldn’t be sitting that long in one spot.

I am now able to sit in my recliner as long as I need to now doing many things, even exercises.


I am now able to walk around my home with a walker. There are even times I take a few steps without it. I am progressing fairly fast now. As a matter of fact my wife and I are going for walk outside when it warms up a little. That is huge for me.


Have you had some terrifying accidents or illnesses strike you down like happened to me?

Here is what I have to say about that:

I would not even be able to exist right now if I didn’t have God by my side. He was there during my worst days to comfort me, and help me with the pain.

Never feel you are alone when something happens to you. God is there 24/7.


New post on Monday.

We live in hatred, and blind souls of people.

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Things are going very badly in Israel. Many lives lost, and no let up in sight. The Hamas are true terrorist. They kill everything in sight. Even women and little babies.

Believe it or not, there are protesters in the US at the capital, protesting Israel and the barbaric attack of the Hamas. In reality the Hamas are the attackers, and Israel in just defending itself.

These are mostly college students that have no idea what they are protesting.


We live in a world of hatred, and blind souls of people who care for only themselves. It is hard, at best, to wake up each day to face that.


We need to pray for peace and understanding in the world. I know it is very hard for that to happen. However I believe in prayer, and it is powerful if we all pray the same thing. God is listening.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Many Women and Children Are Dying in Israel.

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The war in Israel is getting more furious everyday. The death toll of Americans killed there is now 29.

Many women and children, have been killed. Israel is striking back with force.

The Hamas are true terrorist. The have no hesitation of killing babies, and then cutting their heads off in front of their parents. Then they kill the parents. Very barbaric.


Start thinking of the “End times.” Prophecy talks about what is going on right now. “There will wars and rumors of wars.” It shares many other prophecies in the book of Revelations. Take time to read it. Think of our world today as you read it.


This may surprise you, but I am not afraid of the end times. Why? Because I am a son of God who loves me, and I will be spared, or sent to heaven if I die. It is a win, win.


Are you sure you are going to go to heaven? If not, pray to God right now for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Then you are home free.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our World is a Not a Friendly Place to be.

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It is hard to be positive in our world today. Two wars going on, high inflation. high gas prices, southern border, crime rate, and many more reasons to be depressed.


There needs to be a way to think positive. Here are my thoughts:

  1. Wars end.
  2. The storms go away.
  3. Seek out God in prayer. There is a new tomorrow.
  4. Reach out to others to help them cope. It makes them, and you, smile.
  5. Read the Bible. It is full of hope.
  6. Go on a walk to clear out you bad thinking.
  7. Know that God is there with you every day.
  8. Call someone and cheer them up.
  9. Love your family.
  10. Seek out God in Prayer.


Be strong and face the wind. Show others how to make it through the day. If you are struggling yourself, pray for strength from God.


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Many people slaughtered in Israel Including Children.

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The attack by the Hamas is horrendous. They did awful things, like decapitating baby’s heads. Tying parents up and torturing them to death in front of their children. 1600 civilians killed, and hundreds held hostage. There are 11 Americans dead, and many are hostages.


It will be interesting how President Biden responds this. I say take no prisoners. They would do the same to us.


I am an old retired soldier that would go help any country if they allowed me to do that. My age is just too old for that to happen.


How are you doing? Are you days full of darkness? Do you worry about tomorrow? Let me share something that may help you:”

  1. Walk away from the darkness into God’s light.
  2. Tomorrow has enough problems on its own. Just live for today.
  3. Read the Bible everyday. It is full of hope.
  4. God is always there for you. Lean on Him through prayer, to give you peace.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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The Hamas Attacked Israel and Killed 900 people Including 9 Americans.

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I was very upset when I saw that the Hamas attacked Israel. They killed over 900 people including 9 Americans. What a horrible mistake. Israel has declared war with them and will not stop until the Hamas are eliminated.

People are thinking Iran supported this attack. If so they are also in trouble.


This is not uncommon. There are wars or rumors of wars all over our world. This world is full of dictators who want to take over the world. We will all need to pray that the good guys win.


I am an old retired soldier that would go help any country if they allowed me to do that. My age is just too old for that to happen.


How are you doing? Are you days full of darkness? Do you worry about tomorrow? Let me share something that may help you:”

  1. Walk away from the darkness into God’s light.
  2. Tomorrow has enough problems on its own. Just live for today.
  3. Read the Bible everyday. It is full of hope.
  4. God is always there for you. Lean on Him through prayer, to give you peace.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Want Everything Right now. Wait on The Lord.

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Congress avoided a shutdown by just a few hours. They funded our government for another 45 days.

Why is it so hard to pass a budget? It is because so many congressmen, want their special “toys,” to be included in the vote. What selfish people they are.


I have been struggling for months with pain. I finally got an appointment of a physical therapist. The problem is that I have to wait a month to see him. There is a reason for that. He is considered the “muscle whisper” in the medical field. He is very good at what he does. So I will gladly wait for him.


Have you had to wait forever for something you really wanted?

I feel for you. We seem to want everything right now. I feel that God uses these time to show us how to face adversity. He wants us to feel how important it is.


Be strong and wait on the Lord.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are Things That happen to Us That Cause Problems.

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What a weird week I have had. Some days were good, others were very bad. It was a rollercoaster ride.

It is very hard to face each day not knowing what kind of day it might be.


Have you had this happen to you? Have you had days you would rather have stayed in bed?

You certainly are not alone. They are things happening in our lives that drag us down.

Inflation, wars, gas prices, southern board, country shutting down, and many more problems.

No wonder that so many people feel lost.


We all have to be strong, and pray for help from God. He wants what is best for us. He will not forsake you or abandon you.

Lean on God. Cry out to Him for Help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is a Good Foundation to Use in Life?

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We all know we need a good foundation in our lives. The Bible talks about building a house on sand. It will get destroyed. It also says building a house on Rock is what we all should do.

What about you? What is your foundation?

A good foundation is stable, solid, fixed, predictable.


The best foundation is trusting God. He can provide all your needs. He can hold you hand during your trials. If you have sinned, God is the only one who can bear the weight.


Think of what you have for a foundation. Is it strong enough to carry you through this world. Do you need to reevaluate your foundation?



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If You Need Help, Ask For it Now.

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Being a veteran I am overcome with shame to find out that 1.5 million veterans do not have enough food to eat. I know they were taught to be tough in the military, but they need to seek help anyway.


Have you had times when you needed something , but was too proud to ask for help?

There are many of you out there doing that. It is not shameful to seek help. Allow your friends and neighbors to help you.


God will also provide for you if you ask. He wants you to be strong and healthy. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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