A place to find Hope

Category: not a friendly world

How Can We Face the World The Way it is?

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I am back at my desk trying to do my post today. I have to stop and walk around about every twenty minutes. (Good way to get those steps!)


Here are some current events that I found interesting:

  1. House GOP accuses President Biden of influence puddling.
  2. Russia forced into humiliating retreat ay Bakhmut.
  3. Guerilla arsonists just set fire to Russia’s supersonic bomber.



  1. The republicans are going all out to find wrong doing from Joe Biden.
  2. This is wide spread in Ukraine right now. The Russian fighters are wanting to quit. They also have little ammunition, or body armor.
  3. I’d say the writing is on the wall for Putin. Everything around him is falling apart.


How can we face the world in the way it is going now? So much turmoil and strife.
One thing we always have to cling to is that God is in charge. He sees what is going on. No He is not happy, but He allows us to make choices. In the end you and I win.


Never let the darkside overcome you. Throw our the negative thoughts in your mind and fill it with positive thoughts.

Is that simple? It could be if your allow it. That is what I do every day.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Those Who Believe Survive, Those Who Don’t Struggle Mightily.

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Current news…

  1. Critics who have seen John Wick 4 say it is one of the greatest action films ever.
  2. Wagner chief wants Putin gone.
  3. Man accused of starving dogs when more that 1,000 found dying in his home.
  4. World’s oldest person dies after living through three different centuries at age 128.


My ramblings…

  1. I have seen several of the john Wick movies. Looking forward to number 4.
  2. Putin has gained many enemies. I am sure his days are numbered.
  3. How shameful to treat dogs like this man has.
  4. Can’t comprehend living to 128. I am have trouble with my current age.


  1. God’s heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed
  2. Blessed are they who tenderly seek to comfort others.
  3. Love is the true means by which the world is enjoyed.
  4. If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live those moments more richly.

Speaking about God…

  1. God has been very active in the world today. 5,000 people from India received Christ as their savior, and this is happening many places.
  2. Trying to make live in the world without God? How is that working for you?
  3. I am a blessed man. My wife and I are Christians, my three children are christians, and all my grandchildren are christians. God is good.
  4. Those who believe survive. Those who do not believe struggle mightily.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Let This Not so Friendly World Overcome you

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Last day at the Oregon beach. I leave tomorrow. It has been such a relaxing time. It is time to get back to reality in Salem, Oregon.

It also important to get some. “down,” time in our lives. We don’t realize how much is building up in our minds at times.

We need time to think and clear out our thinking.


Have you been there? Have you felt overloaded with the world? You certainly are not alone.

If so, it is time to regroup:

  1. Go somewhere relax and just vegetate.
  2. Flush out all the garbage in your head.
  3. Take inventory on what caused all the turmoil.
  4. Began the new you, and survive.


Never forget that God is there for you. He will never forsake you or abandon you. Pray for His protection and guidance. Never take on this unfriendly world alone.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Pregnant Woman and Her Unborn Son Was Killed in a Bombing in Ukraine

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The events in Ukraine are very frightening. Today I heard that a pregnant mother and her unborn child died, because Russia bombed the maternity hospital.

That is a war crime!!

Putin is a mad man who is very desperate. He has to win now because of the embarrassment of not winning his war yet. Desperate people do desperate things. We need to keep the Ukraine people in our prayers every day.


Mean while back in our own country, things at not well at all. Millions are crossing the southern border. The Dictators of four different countries to pushing hard, because they don’t think our leaders will do anything. Inflation is eating up all of our money, and at the gas pump we can hardly afford to drive.

What is wrong with this picture??


We as Christians, must unite in prayer. Pray without ceasing. I always say that God is in charge, because that is true. We need to send pleas to Him for protection of our nation, and the whole world.


On Wednesday, I will start sharing more excerpts from my published book, Signs of Hope; Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. It is a very timely book that addresses our world as we know it today. It won a national award from the Reader’s Choice Awards.


Stand strong, and never let Satan overcome you. He would love to hang you on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Are Frightening, in the End, We Win.

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What a world we live in! Wars and rumors of wars. A pandemic taking many lives. A severely divided country, and much more. God has it all planned, and all the worrying we can muster will not change that.


I would rather take care of those around me. I have reached an age that is getting difficult, but I will not waver until my last breath!


The war in Ukraine is devastating, and horrific. However, what it has done is united many countries together. This is the most unity we have had in years and years.

This could be God’s plan for us. The Bible refers to the great enemy of Gog. Today that would be Russia. According to that same Bible they will be destroyed.

Worrying should not be in our lives. Things will be amazingly wonderful in the end. The shortest verse in the Bible is, FEAR NOT!

Cling to God’s promises and be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Great Faith is Believing We Are Not Worthy

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You look at that title and go WHAT? If I am not worthy, how can I have good faith? Read on.

Jesus had just finished His sermon on the mount. It was grueling and long. He was very tired. As He was heading away, a Centurion came up to Him and begged him to help his servant who was very ill and about to die.

This doesn’t sound like a true Centurion. They were ruthless. They found joy in torturing people. They killed many.

Jesus stopped to listen. He then said, “I will come and heal you servant.” The Centurion told Him. “I am not worthy of you to come to my home. Just say it and he will be healed.”

Jesus was astounded by this man’s faith. He told every one about him. A man had such strong faith that He knew that Jesus was capable to just saying his servant was healed that it would happen.

The Centurion thought he was not worthy and yet he had great faith.


More thought on great faith…

  1. Great faith looks beyond ourselves to help others.
  2. Great faith asks for less.


Do you have great faith? Do you know Jesus can do anything in your life? Be strong and rely on Him to walk with you and guide you through this not so friendly world.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Can Cause Anxiety to Skyrocket.

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My take on the Ukraine war.

Russia has lost over 9,000 soldiers in this war. Russian Convoys are stranded because they are out of gas. Tanks are stuck in the mud. Warriors from many other nations are volunteering to help fight with the Ukrainians. Many Russian soldiers are giving up, because they are hungry, and didn’t want to fight in this war.

One Ukrainian pilot personally shot down 6 Russian airplanes.


Please understand that because of the mass numbers of Russian military, (138,000) it looks hopeless for the Ukrainian people.

They need our prayers.


I am not feeling all that well today. My back has erupted, and I seem exhausted even after I thought I had a good nights sleep.

Have you had one of those kind of days yourself? Has the turmoil of our world caused your anxiety to skyrocket? I certainly hear you.

I try to remain positive around people. People I talk to need to hear positive things. Smile at them. It is contagious, and you will probably make their day.

God hears our prayers, so pray without ceasing. Pray for protection. Pray for peace. Pray our government will make good choices. They are many other things to pray for, so make up your own list.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Ukraine Needs Our Prayers and Love to Sustain Them

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It has been very frightening for the people of Ukraine. They have a huge Army trying to defeat them. So far they are hanging tough, but there are thousands of Russian military heading for the capital.


It is easy to sit here in the United States and think, I feel badly for them, but I am safe here. We should never forget them. There are thousands of Christians there that will severely be persecuted and killed.


Pray for God’s intervention. Pray that He will protect the people of Ukraine. We may have to defend our own country some day.


How is your world turning? Do you want it to stop so you can get off? This hotel called earth, is become very hostile and sad. Many would want to check out.


Rest on the love of God. He knows what is happening. He knows our fears. The shortest verse in the Bible says, “Fear not!”

Don’t let the dark side overcome you with fear. God is in charge. We just have to be faithful and abide in Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How can We Survive in This Not So Friendly World?

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This is a busy day for me. Just got home from have a blood test done, and later today I am off to PT.

I thought the busyness of the holidays would go away, but I guess there is no rest for the wicked


I promised you that I would be starting a new formatt today. What I will be doing, is sharing excerpts from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.

Each post I will share another excerpt. Keep coming back to read the excerpts. Better yet….

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I waited patiently for the Lord;

he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,

out of the mud and mire;

he set my feet on a rock

and gave me a firm place to stand.

Psalm 40:1–2

One of the most exciting things that can happen in your life is to have a close encounter with God. Moses had several. A burning bush started talking to him; he went to Mt. Sinai where God gave him the Ten Commandments. He raised his staff during a fierce battle to help fight off the enemy. Moses and the Israelites received manna directly from God.

Elijah had a close encounter with God when ravens brought him food while he was in the wilderness at God’s direction. Daniel met some lions that the bad guys thought would eat him. Instead God calmed the lions—and they became pets for Daniel. Everyone that met Jesus had a close encounter.

God showed His love through many close encounters in the Bible, and He can do it for you today. You may have already had a close encounter without realizing it ever happened. Did you ever turn a corner you hadn’t planned to turn and seen an old friend who would have missed otherwise? Have you ever happened on the scene of a horrible accident you would have been involved in had you been there just a second sooner? During a lightning storm, were you ever close to a strike that hit the ground? Have you ever felt alone and abandoned and cried out to God for help and then felt a real peace that you have never felt before?

You may have encountered some of these situations, or others. God is watching over you every day. He wants to protect you. He has a plan for you and me. If danger is near, He may choose to spare your life because He has a path He wants you to take to help others to know Him better.

I went through some tough times because I felt lost after I retired from teaching. I had no purpose. I tried being a salesman at several places, and even tried to run my own business as a salesman. I failed at all of them. I went into the lowest spot in my life and was ready to end my life. God saved me on March 31, 2001, after I cried out, “God I can’t take anymore of this!” I felt calmness in my heart and even the air around me seemed to cool. It was as if God were saying, “It is about time you came back to Me. I have been waiting for you to return. Let Me carry you the rest of the way.”

From that day on I kept praying to God to tell me why He had saved my life. It didn’t take Him long to point to a technical book I had been tinkering with for a few months. It was a book written for people who worked in the cash flow business that gave ideas on how to be a better salesman. Can you believe I was trying to write a book on that? Sure failure was lurking at my door—again!

I had failed at being a salesman, but God kept prompting me to look at the cash flow book very hard again. What was He trying to tell me?

Why did I keep getting the book-in-progress out? Then God finally woke me up. He wanted me to write about my own experiences with depression and share the love of God with others. As I looked at the manuscript I was working on, the titles fit perfectly into a book of encouraging others. I had been using phrases I had seen on bumper stickers to start each chapter.

            One sticker said, “Need Directions?” Another said, “My way is the highway.” Still another said, “Don’t believe everything you think.”

I had intended them to be chapter titles for teaching selling. As I looked at them, I saw what God wanted.

“Need directions?” was actually God telling us to read the Bible.

“My way is the highway” was God saying that we need to choose the right path that leads us to heaven.

“Don’t believe everything you think” was telling me that Satan can plant garbage in our minds to cause us to drift away from God.

The rest is history. I immediately dove into to writing this book. I was excited the day I started back in 2001, and I am still excited today. I started out writing a book about selling and ended up writing about getting eternal life for free. I had finally found something I could help give away free. No down payment. No monthly installments. No interest rates. Just accept the Lord into your heart and you have a free trip to heaven with its entire splendor.

As I worked on this preface, I searched my computer for the chapter titles I had used for the cash flow book to show how they had been transformed. I came across a statement on the very page I was looking at and saw something I had never seen before. I know I hadn’t typed it because it was in a different color ink. I never use any color but black in my work.

As I read it, I was sure God wanted me to read it. It said: “I love this! Let’s keep going! No catches. Just the peace in knowing that you are able to share God’s love and works to all those you have contact with, and even bless someone you don’t.”

That is exactly how it was typed. I didn’t correct any wording, or add any words to make it look more dramatic for you. It wasn’t sent to anyone but me. It was at the top of the page I was searching for. God may have placed it there way back when I first changed my direction, but I missed it then. But I found it, and it only confirms why I spent the last seven years toiling to get to the final outcome.

            God’s timing is amazing.

I had my own special close encounter with God, and He has been my refuge ever since.

This book hopefully leads you to have a close encounter with God. You may have chosen this book because it deals with the hurts in your life as well as other “afflictions” we all face. They can be crippling, and even deadly. I lived with depression, self-doubt, anxiety, hopelessness and fear of failure for many years until I turned back to God and found help through a doctor who determined I also had a chemical imbalance. Now through a close encounter with God and the right medication I am able to cope and have a productive life.

My original working title, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind, comes from a favorite movie of mine, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It is about a man who has visions in his head and can’t understand what is happening. So he goes on a search to find out. That is what people with the many closed walls around them are going through. They are sad, and they can’t cope. They do not know why they are that way. They, too, are searching for answers.

As the book progressed, I wanted a more “hopeful” title for it. And since it is based on sayings and signs I’ve seen and the fact I wanted the book to provide the same hope for others as I have found, I was easily persuaded that the title Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World might be a better fit. You will still find several allusions to “close encounters” throughout the book and I wanted you to know the how and why I use that term so often.

The bumper sticker idea came from my hobby of collecting them for many years. I looked at them again years later, and realized they had some meaning, and I started writing about everyday connections to them.

That is my story (so far) and I am stickin’ to it! I hope that through this book, you will also begin searching for some meaning to become stronger, and choose a path that leads you to a closer relationship with God.

Let the adventure begin.


I shared the preface to start with to give you a feel of what is ahead from you as you travel with me through the book.


Have you had those kind of days when you are not sure what is coming at you? You certainly are not alone.

Lean on God for help like I did. He brought me out of the muck and more, and today I am very excited for what life might have in store for me.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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