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Update on the War in Israel. There are now 30 Americans dead. There is very good news however. The Hamas have released two American hostages. A mother and daughter from Chicago.

The bombing is very intense. Night time brings horror to the Israel people. Hamas uses the darkness to kill as many people as they can.


I have been riding a roller coaster. Some days I am very high. Other times I am speeding down the hill. My health has been a up and down adventure. The pain is less, which is good. However, my lower back is terrible. I can’t stand more than five minutes.


You are probably wondering how I can make through each day. The bottom like is that God is with me and helping me through the pain. I have been praying for Him to help me with the pain, and He has.


When you are overcome with any affliction or problem, always turn to God. He listens to your prayers. He will answer them in a way that helps you in some way.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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