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I see to toe doctor today to get my toe nails clipped. I can’t bend down far enough anymore to do it myself. It’s called old age. I am 84 and suffering from the pain of getting older than dirt. 🙂


Do you struggle with your age? Is it causing you pain and discomfort? I hear you!

We need to be strong and face the walls in front of us. We need to climb over them, dig under them, or just crash through them.


Of course we have help. God is with us 24/7. He will help us with the pain. He will hold our hand through the storm. He is just a prayer away.

Be strong and call on the Lord to help you through the day.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.