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Way back when I was a young man, There was a strong belief in the Big Bang Theory. The universe just started with a big bang. Way back when I was a youth as a Christian I didn’t believe that. I know that God created this world. The Bible tells us so.

As the years went by, scientist started realizing that everything they saw in the universe with their telescopes weren’t there at one time. The universe was constantly expanding. The big bang theory went out the window.

You cannot create nothing from nothing.


Think about it. If our earth was just little bit closer to the sun we would be dead. If was just a little bit further way we would be dead. God placed us at the perfect spot.

The moon is also at the perfect spot, as are all of the planets. Big Bang Theory. I know it isn’t so.


Cling to your faith. There will be many people trying you sway you into their thinking. Remember, the Bible is the book of truth. Use it as your only guide.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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