A place to find Hope

Category: battling illnesses (Page 3 of 3)

Storms Come; Storms Go, But God Will Never Forsake You

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I am still struggling with various health issues. Today it is severe shortness of breath, and dizziness. I could blame the dizziness on when I look at my beautiful bride, but the shortness of breath has me concerned.

My blood pressure is great. My heart capacity is at 36 which isn’t too bad for my age.

Something is not right though. Hope to find out soon.


Our country is in turmoil. There is a 50/50 split in beliefs in the United States. Because of this nothing can get passed in Congress, and there are people suffering because of it.

We need to pray for our governments both national and local. Pray that they will make good decisions that will help the people, and not necessarily themselves.


It seems to me that we all face storms these days. The storms may be a serious surgery coming up. It could be that you are out of a job, and there are bills to pay. It could be a break up of a relationship you have.

We need to remember that all storms pass. Then we have the SON.

Jesus is our fortress during the terrible storms we face. He can calm them down so we can handle them better.

When ever I know a storm is coming I pray ahead of time for God’s love, compassion, and protection.

Never take on this world alone. I can’t imagine trying to face my storms without God in my life.


If you seem to have more than your share of pain and headaches from the daily trials of life. Turn them over to God. He has tremendous shoulders for you to lean on.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Storms May Come and Storms May Go, But God is Always There

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This is the week I have surgery to replace a battery in my defibrillator. It will be Friday. Today I am having a echocardiogram. That will tell them what my refraction rate is. (How well the heart is working.)

I hope the surgery will not only make me healthier, but help me with my dizziness as well. It has been a long haul, but hopefully the end is in sight for good health.


We are still recuperating from a devastating freezing rain episode. Still many fallen tree around the neighborhood. Why aren’t they cleaned up you say? The tree businesses are swamped. There is damage on every block here.

The good news is that there were no one hurt from all the fallen trees as to what I have heard.

There are people who are still without electricity. Again, the electric companies are overwhelmed.


Adversity has knocked at our doors and is trying to pull us down like a huge magnate.

Everyone around me here has faced adversity recently. The pandemic and severe weather have taken their toll. It is hard, at best, to see the positive side of things when all of this is happening to people.

How do I handle it?

I know that God will not allow anything to come at me that I can’t handle.

I know that adversity is just a way to grow even stronger.

I know that people are basically strong and can face the storms of life.

I know that if I help others through this adversity, then they will be happier and so will I.


I am hoping that every is well with you. If not, fear not! God is with you for every step you take. He gave you your first breath. You are His child, and He will protect you through the tough times.



You are ever alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Going to the Hospital Can be Scary, But Doesn’t Have to Be

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This week is give blood time. Not voluntarily. Had to do a test to see how my blood thinner is doing. Then I had to go to another lab to have a test for a procedure I am doing next Friday.

Between now and next Friday, I have an echo done on my heart . At the heart clinic I was told I was getting a new generator in my defibrillator. I looked shocked and asked what she meant. She laughed and said, “No, no it is the new name for batteries in defibrillators!”

My surgery on Friday is an in and out. Quick replacement of the “generator,” and quick recovery.

I have been having a serious time with dizziness. I hope this procedure will help with that.


Have you had a situation where you have had to do some corrective surgery? Were you worried before the surgery.

I have so many surgeries, I have been OK, and not worried. The people know my by my first name! The last count I had there were 22 incisions in my body. After a while I feel I know more than the surgical people do, and laugh with them during prep.

When I had my first pacemaker put in during the year of 2008. The post op was pretty funny, because the doctor kept telling me the funny things I said during the procedure that had the whole surgical team laughing.

Anywhere I can help!


All we need to do is pray for God to be at our hospital visits, and keep us safe. He will be there the whole time holding your hand.

The time in the hospital is to help you be better. They will do everything they can to get you up and running again and healthy.



Your never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need to Still be Careful Even Though the End is in Sight for the COVID Virus.

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Two days ago I got my second COVID vaccine. It seemed like it was going OK after the shot, Then yesterday, I starting feeling some of the side effects they predicted. I had slight headache, nausea, and shortness of breath. They weren’t severe and I am feeling better today.

I was able to get my vaccine so soon, because I have many underlying problems, mostly with the heart.

I am not sure what happens now. I am just going to keep wearing my mask until they tell me is OK to stop.


Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. I hope people are very careful and not have big parties. I usually do every year, but not this year. Next year I will have the mother of all Super Bowl parties!!

Things are not changing much. We all still should to be wearing masks, and be distancing ourselves.


I was almost going to have a pity party, but couldn’t come with a valid excuse. I am feeling OK. None of my family has come down with the virus. Life is not pounding on me right now. So why the silly “poor me” attitude?

I have found it is far too common to easily fall into the trap of depression. We need to fight back by thinking about good things and push the bad things out of our thoughts.


How are you doing? Is the earth rotating too fast for you. Does it feel like you are being weighed down by a huge magnate?

Well, then you need God to come to your aide. Lean on Him for your concerns. He is willing to listen to your pleas, and He answers our prayers. Not on the timeline we may want, but His timeline.

Don’t let the dark side overcome you. Seek the light of Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Tired of The Storms Coming Your Way? Ask God For Help

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It will be a very busy month for me. Because of health issues, I have six doctor’s appointments this month. All dealing with the heart.

The main is a procedure to replace my defibrillator. They will be putting a new generator in. It shocked me when they said that. I asked, “You are putting a generator in my chest?” The girl laughed and said, “No. That is just what they call batteries now for your situation.”

OK…I can “live,” with that.


In my last post I told you that I will be getting my second COVID shot on Thursday. We plan to be there early, because they have run out a few times. My appointment is at 10:45am so that should be Ok.

So I wondered…What then, do I still need to wear a mask? Am I immuned to the virus?

The right answer is to keep wearing the mask until this all clears up. Don’t want to take any chances.


Things are getting dicey in Washington D.C. There are congressmen carrying guns onto the floor of the House. Even people are wanting the Republicans to be eliminated. Yes, I mean gone. The bitterness and fighting, is causing havoc in our country.


So what can we do about all this?

I say this every time…PRAY! Every day I pray for our country. Not praying for one thing or another, but for the nation as a whole.

Try to keep calm and not get caught up in the frenzy. You have enough problems with the pandemic to have to worry about other things.

Lean on God. He has big shoulders. He will not allow anything to happen to you that you cannot handle.

Reach out to your family and friends and give them comfort. It helps them, and you will feel good yourself.


This old guy is getting weary of the storms I keep facing. They come in droves. Like I said I have six doctor’s appointments just this month. Each of them is to help me be healthier, so I shouldn’t complain.

How about you? Is it getting a little overwhelming right now. Is the world pulling you down like a huge magnate?

Stand strong and face the storms. Know that God is there with you holding your hand. He will protect you. He made you in His own image, and He doesn’t make mistakes. He has a plan for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Fear of Not Having the Virus Vaccine is Very hard on Us.

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Got some very good news this morning. I am eligible to have my second virus shot. I will be getting it on February 4th.

I know…there are many of you who haven’t had your first. My health condition is severe enough that I am able to get the shot.

In the state of Oregon, where I live, the governor has said that only teachers can get their shots right now, and that would be ahead of the seniors. Many people are furious about this decision.


What has been your experience? Have you had your first shot yet? Do you fear the virus will spread very fast before everyone can get the vaccine?

I hear you! We need to have faith in God since He is in charge.

We also need to be patient. It will be God’s timing and not ours.


Somethings to give you hope:

Prayer is vital in these times. Pray for the people making the virus so that there is an abundance.

Read the Bible every day. I have found such comfort in that.

Concentrate on only positive things. Kick those negative things out of your brain.

Be a comfort to those around you. I find this gives them hope and gives me joy.


There will also be storms in our lives. Storms go away, but God doesn’t. He is always there with you.

Rely on Him to carry you through your storms. He has big shoulders.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Battling Illnesses Can be Very Hard to Handle

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I am not usually negative about anything, but lately I have seen some alarming things happening with our government.

President Biden, has signed a massive amount of executive orders. I think some of them a very wrong.

He stopped building the border wall, which means thousands of people who are up to no good can still cross.

He ended the construction of a huge pipeline that caused over 11,000 people to be suddenly employed. I thought the democrats were union supports.


I am OK now since I was allowed to let off some steam. 🙂

I have not been feeling all that good the last week. Had blood tests that do not look to good. Got a doctor’s appointment coming up.


Have you battled with problems with your health? You can tell I understand. It is hard, at best, to face illnesses. They seem to come knocking at our door like a long lost relative and don’t want to leave.

What can we do to overcome those type of troubling times:

God is always with you. He knows your hurts and will hold your hand.

95% of what we worry about never happens. I my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, I had a chapter title that said, “Worry is the Dark Room Where Negatives Develop.

It stresses us to rely on God, and let him have to other 05% of our worries. He has big shoulders.

Be strong and face the storms head on.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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