A place to find Hope

Tag: love conquers all

February is the love Month and Today is the Love Day

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Do you seem to walk around lost? Are there many days you would rather stay in bed?

There are many others just like that. They stumble through life without any purpose.


Let me share this with you. The life being offered to you is better than the one you have now.

God loves each of us as if there there was only one of us to love.

St Augustine


John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to provide us with internal life.

He allow His son to be put to die out of love for us.


February is the love month, and today is the love day. Love conquers all, and we should use it all the time.

Today, reach out to your loved ones, and tell them you love them. Call your neighbors and tell them Happy Valentines Day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Perseverance, Love, and Hope, Are Three Very Powerful Words

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Well it has been a week today since my surgery for replacing the generator on my defibrillator. Things seem to finally getting better. The pain is still there, but not as intense as in the past. I see my cardiologist later today. She will check the surgery area, and recommend some things to make my life more comfortable and easy.


I have been following the path of “perseverance,” on Mars. Absolutely amazing. There are many interesting things to see that I hope NASA explores.

I truly think that NASA will find ways for people to actually live there. Not for me though. I love my spot where I am at. 🙂

The name of the rover is my number one most favorite long word. Perseverance is my middle name. I have been many health issues through the years and I am still fighting. Two of them were near death experience.

A doctor was amazed how well I made it through a very serious quadruple bypass surgery. I also had an infection in my spine that was spreading rapidly, but due to excellent work by another doctor, I survived.

She said I really know how to persevere. Hench, my new nickname.


I have two short words that are tied for my favorite words, Hope, and Love. The two best four letter words on the planet.

Hope is the theme of this site. I have been doing this blog since 2009. I have made the blog the place to come to for finding hope and my other favorite word, love.

Jesus said love conquers all. I believe that is true. If the whole world believed that what a different world we would be in.

Have you been using these three words in your daily life? Do you persevere through the storms you face? Are love and hope you number one priority?

If that doesn’t seem possible right now, pray for guidance on how to achieve each of them. God is there and He listens.

Never give in to the dark side of life. Push hard towards the light. There is the right path to do that. With God’s help you will find it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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